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Keyboard Shortcuts

There are two sets of keyboard shortcuts, or hotkeys, that can be used in Mythic. The first are global for navigating around the overall Storybook itself, while the second set are for working with the text editor while writing.

In the following tables “mod” means the Command key on MacOS and the Control key on Windows

Global Storybook

Action Keyboard Shortcut
Create new page mod + shift + c
Save/Publish page mod + shift + s or mod + s
Toggle edit mode mod + shift + e
Toggle the Page Location modal mod + shift + l
Search pages mod + shift + f
Close any modal or leave edit mode Esc
Keyboard shortcuts help modal mod + /

Storybook Text Editor

Many of these text modifications can also be used by writing Markdown syntax.

Action Keyboard Shortcut
Headings (multiple levels) ctrl + shift + (1-6)
Bold mod + b
Italic mod + i
Highlight mod + ` or ctrl + `
Bullet list ctrl + shift + *
Numbered list ctrl + shift + (
Link menu mod + k
Quote ctrl + shift + >
Notes ctrl + shift + \
Undo mod + z
Redo mod + shift + z or mod + y